women sitting in car

Simply Sell My Car

Get your valuation in three easy steps
Free Instant Valuation
We Will settle any outstanding finance
Avoid the Hassle of Selling Privately
Collection Possible
Fast Bank Transfer Payment with no charges
We will consider the purchase of any vehicle not just VW and Skoda.

Get your Valuation in Three Easy Steps

Car Image
Step One Your Vehicle Details Enter your registration plate and we'll lookup your vehicle. Just confirm it's the right one and enter your mileage.
Booking Image
Step Two Contact Information Enter your name and contact details in order that we can email you with your valuation and our terms.
Checklist Image
Step Three Your Valuation You will receive your guide price valuation on the screen and all our terms ready for us to buy your car.

Simply Sell My Car

Well - Good news! We want to buy it! And you do not have to buy from us!

Getting the best possible deal on your new car isn’t only about taking advantage of special offers. If you’re looking to sell or part-exchange your current vehicle as part of the process, you’ll want to ensure you get the right price. At Des Winks, that’s easy – with our handy online valuation tool, you can receive a quote in under 60 seconds, meaning you can get on with the search for the perfect replacement in no time.

To obtain your valuation, simply enter your vehicle registration and mileage, as well as some contact details. Your free, no-obligation quote will be sent straight to your inbox. And because our system is powered by CAP data, you can rely on the value you’re given.

Of course, the online estimate is purely based on current market values. A visual inspection will confirm what we’re prepared to offer for the vehicle, enabling us to assess its condition, and consider aspects such as body modifications or service history. Get started today, or visit our dealership in Scarborough for assistance. 

Why Sell Your Car To Us?

At Des Winks, we aim to make your selling experience smooth and hassle-free. Obtain your valuation in under a minute, then get in touch if you’d like us to carry out a visual inspection. There’s no need to advertise or deal with time-wasters, and we’ll provide a fast, efficient service. Selling your car to Des Winks means you’re guaranteed the following benefits:

  • Free Instant Valuation
  • Avoid the Hassle of Selling Privately
  • Fast Bank Transfer Payment with no charges
  • We Will settle any outstanding finance
  • Collection Possible
  • We will consider the purchase of any vehicle not just VW and Skoda.

What affects the value of your car?

Our visual inspection of your vehicle may result in a slightly different quote to the one you received online. That’s because there are several factors that affect its value. Most drivers know that mileage will have an impact on residual values, but your car’s overall condition must be considered too. Optional extras or modifications that aren’t consistent with the original factory specification may influence the quote you’re given by our team, and a full service history is important if you want to get the best possible price. Below is a list of factors we take into account when valuing your vehicle.

Three Stars

Showroom Condition

  • Requires no reconditioning, paintwork free from scratches, chips and dents.
  • Similarly, the interior trim will need to be in unmarked condition. Wheels, Alloys and trims need to be unmarked and tyres a minimum of 5mm all round.
  • Vehicle of original factory specification.
  • The vehicle will require a full-service history and MOT.
  • All current registration documents and a minimum of two keys.
  • Please note all prices are used as a guide only and vehicles are subject to appraisal.
Two Stars

Average Condition

  • It will have service history and MOT certificate but will require some work done to bring it up to a suitable condition for sale.
  • Although the car will be sound mechanically, the wheels, paintwork or bodywork may need minor attention.
  • Please note all prices are used as a guide only and vehicles are subject to appraisal.
One Star

Below Average Condition

  • If your car has poor service history or less than a month remaining on your MOT certificate you should consider it as being in poor condition. A small percentage will be deducted from its value as a result.
  • In addition, work will be required to fix dents, bumpers, wheel and paint damage.
  • Mechanical issues may be present.
  • Please note that all prices are used as a guide only and vehicles are subject to appraisal.
car valet

How can I prepare my vehicle for sale?

Clean your car

It may seem obvious but getting out a bucket and sponge and making your car look as good as new will help it to appear more appealing.

Keep your service records safe

Ensure that you have all service history and MOT information to hand as not only does it help with the value but will need to be provided with the car at the point of sale. It would also be a good idea to have an up to date MOT carried out too.

Check everything working?

Check all the electrics to ensure that it is all working correctly. If not, it might be an idea to see whether it is financially viable to get elements repaired prior to trying to sell your car.

Repair damage

If you have damage on the car you may wish to consider getting it repaired prior to getting your car valued.

Keep mileage low

The lower the mileage the better, so if you can restrict your driving time to keep your miles lower this will help.

Find your spare keys

It is always helpful to have two keys so get them ready too.

Frequently Asked Questions

At Des Winks, our aim is to ensure that you can sell your vehicle to us easily and without hassle. It’s natural to have questions, so we’ve answered some of the most frequent queries about vehicle sales below. If you need more information before proceeding though, please contact our friendly team, who will be happy to help.

What will I need to hand to get my car valued?


You will need to provide us with your vehicle’s registration and mileage and your basic contact information. Once you have completed the details you will receive an instant valuation on the screen.

Can I part-exchange my current car?


Yes – we’ll happily take vehicles in part-exchange, and the valuation we give can be used as a deposit towards your new car. We’ll consider models from manufacturers other than ŠKODA and Volkswagen too.

Can I sell my car with outstanding finance?


Any outstanding finance on your vehicle must be settled before we can accept it. Our advisors can help you obtain your settlement figure, and can discuss ways to proceed.

What do I need for the valuation?


To obtain an online valuation, you only need your registration number, mileage and contact details. At the visual inspection we may ask you to present the car’s MOT certificate, proof of a full service history, and the spare key.

Does a manufacturer’s warranty effect value?


Having a vehicle that is still covered by the manufactuer’s warranty will certainly influence the value of your car for the better. The benefit to the buyer is that they have peace of mind that your car is still covered by a warranty.

How does the number of previous owners effect the value?


The more owners a vehicle has had the more likely it is that the vehicle has undergone different driving styles, varied care in terms of looking after the car and inconsistencies in terms of regular servicing which as a result will have a negative impact on the valuation of a car.

How much can mileage effect the value?


How many miles is on a car is a key indicator of how much it is worth with the general rule being the lower the mileage the more it will retain its value, plus it also indicates how much more life the vehicle has left in it.

Can I avoid car depreciation?


The ultimate answer to this question is no – you cannot avoid car depreciation, but you can minimise its impact. Typically a new car will lose 50 to 60% of its value in its first three years, with the majority of the decrease occurring in year one and gradually tapering off during year 2 and 3. The best advice to offer is when you buy a car consider a popular model that has minimal running costs and this should help to reduce depreciation.

Will the colour of my car impact on value?


Once again this is a matter of popularity. If you love bright, vivid and bold coloured vehicles the likelihood is that you will find that your resale value will be less than the same car that is in black, silver, white, grey and blue as these tend to be more popular.

What do I do if I have a private registration plate?


If you wish to sell your car to us, we will obviously have received your registration and know you have a private plate. But you should certainly discuss this matter with your dealership as unless you specifically inform us that you wish to retain the number plate then it would simply be sold with the vehicle.